Correcting Performance Problems
This ILT Series course introduces students to performance problems and how they affect an organization. Students learn how to determine the severity of a performance problem, identify causes, approach employees who have problems, conduct effective feedback sessions, explain the impact of problematic behavior, address negative employee responses, and respond to employee reactions. Course activities also cover conducting an effective disciplinary meeting and determining whether you have sufficient cause and evidence to discipline an employee, and preparing for disciplinary action. Students will also learn how to document and use information about an employee’s performance, and conduct a follow-up meeting with an employee. The manual is designed for quick scanning in the classroom and filled with interactive exercises that help ensure student success.
Duration: One day
Table Of Contents:
Unit 1: Identifying performance problems
Topic A: Attendance problems
Topic B: Achievement problems
Topic C: Conduct problems
Unit 2: Investigating performance problems
Topic A: General guidelines
Topic B: Performance issues
Unit 3: Providing feedback to employees
Topic A: Addressing performance problems
Topic B: Conducting feedback sessions
Unit 4: Addressing behavioral problems
Topic A: Impact of problem behavior
Topic B: Responding to employee reactions
Unit 5: Disciplining employees
Topic A: Preparing to discipline the employee
Topic B: Conducting a disciplinary meeting
Topic C: Follow-up with the employee
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