Sexual Harassment Prevention
This ILT Series course teaches students about dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace. Students will define sexually harassing behavior, and discuss the costs as well as the psychological, health-related, and career-related effects of sexual harassment. Course activities include examining the laws against, and the liabilities of, sexual harassment, identifying verbal and nonverbal behaviors, and making an effort to prevent sexual harassment. Students will also learn about having a sexual harassment policy, responding appropriately to an employee being harassed and to the accused, and identifying the repercussions of sexual harassment in an organization. The manual is designed for quick scanning in the classroom and filled with interactive exercises that help ensure student success.
Duration: One day
Table Of Contents:
Unit 1: Defining sexual harassment
Topic A: Sexual harassment
Topic B: Effects of sexual harassment
Unit 2: Understanding legal issues
Topic A: Legal issues in sexual harassment
Unit 3: Recognizing harassing behaviors
Topic A: Sexually harassing behavior
Unit 4: Taking action
Topic A: Preventing sexual harassment
Topic B: Actions for sexual harassment victims
Unit 5: Understanding management issues
Topic A: Sexual harassment policy
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